
Rail track modules add to fuel efficiency on train networks

Running autonomous longer, heavier, fuel efficient and safer trains with less track wear has become more cost effective with new generations of XBee (ZigBee-based) communication modules, claims the manufacturer. These modules attach to the track and self-powered by new generation energy scavenging and smart batteries.
In basic terms, more measurement means more (process) management particularly when combined with logical and fast data algorithms to crunch the numbers. If Google can do it with online searching, then train control becomes a ‘walk in the park’. And that is what the Columbus Innovative R&D is about. It is suited to heavy iron ore ops, nation-wide container trains and export grain shipping links.
The technology can be fitted to both new and existing rail networks, quickly with less disruption, claims Columbus. Its 3R system of rapid rail restoration track rebuilding hardware is claimed to turn transport liabilities into revenue-positive networks, with less track wear for lower maintenance cost savings.

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