Logistics Products

CROWS™ – field warehousing perfected

The Container Roll-Out Warehousing System (CROWS™) by ECLIPS is an inter-connectable, all-steel, cargo-carrying platform and field warehousing system. Available in 20, 40 and 45ft variants, CROWS can be rolled in and out of standard ISO shipping containers, or can be transported on a flatbed truck/trailer or MAFI trailer.
Laden CROWS can be stacked two or three high for transportation, potentially tripling shipping capacity. CROWS can be stacked up to four high for warehousing, or nested up to fifteen high when not in use.

The CROWS advantage:

  • Reduces quarantine risk: everything is containerised and secure.
  • Enhances logistics efficiency: reduces time to load, crane lifts and personnel required
  • Mitigates safety risksby reducing crane lifts.
  • Optimises the load spaceused in TEU assets, reducing the quantity of assets required for the operation and freight packages.
  • Reduces the environmental footprintof a project through rationalised lay-down, storage and dispatch areas (warehousing capability).
  • Reduces project costs: logistics speed and efficiency, optimising container space and minimising the need for repackaging loads from supplier to end user all contribute to reducing project expenditure.
  • Corrosion control options available.

CROWS is just one of a range of products and services offered by ECLIPS, an Australian systems engineering company that designs and fabricates purpose-built deployable capabilities using shipping containers and derivatives.
Previously operating for ten years as Sea Box International, ECLIPS combines our team’s vast experience with engineering expertise and creative thinking to overcome challenges and get the job done – every time.

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