
Healthy Heads supports ‘R U OK?’ Day

Paul Graham, Chair of the Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds Foundation, is encouraging all workers in the road transport, warehouse and logistics sector to ask the question ‘R U OK?’ on Thursday, 10th September.

Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds is a not-for-profit Foundation that launched in August 2020 to support drivers and logistics workers with their mental health and wellbeing. The Foundation is a major advocate of R U OK? Day which encourages people to follow four conversation steps when talking to someone they are worried about. The steps are: ask the question, listen, encourage action and check in.

“Many people in the road transport, warehousing and logistics sector are more anxious and depressed than they normally would be due to the COVID pandemic,” Paul said.

“As a result, their health and wellbeing is suffering. Now, more than ever, we need to reach out to others, start a conversation and show that we care.

“The Foundation encourages all drivers and logistics workers to feel confident that they can put their hand up and say they are not ok and get the support they need.

“Equally, we want everyone in our industry to have the confidence to reach out to someone and say ‘R U OK?’ and know what to do if they aren’t.

“If you notice someone who hasn’t been themselves, ask them ‘R U OK?’ and encourage them to seek help so they can get on the path of feeling good again. No one should have to go through it alone.”

The Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds Foundation is built on three key pillars: increasing the number of people trained in mental health at road transport and logistics facilities nationally; standardising policies and processes across transport and logistics industries to destress the environment for drivers; and focusing on individual mental health and improved wellness through education and resources.

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