
Elpro Libero PDF Logger

Up till now, data loggers used for cold chain monitoring have required the use of product specific software at each location where it is desired to confirm temperature compliance, the Libero PDF Logger eliminates this by automatically producing a PDF report upon connection to a PC.

The LIBERO can be plugged into the USB interface of any PC to automatically generate a PDF file which can be read anywhere without difficulty. Additional features of the Libero include;

? Compliance with the ISO Standard 19005-1-Document Management

? Temperature logging from -35°C to +70°C with internal sensor

? Multiple use on 400 operating days within 3 years (switch on/off possible)

? 16,000 temperature data points

? Accuracy of measurement: +/- 0.2° (-10°C to 25°), -/+ 0.5° (from -35° to -10° and 25° to 70°)

? Logging modes: start/stop mode, loop mode (Ti1 only)

? 2 alarm limits or 5 alarm ranges

? Integrated PDF file generator which automatically creates an evaluation file including a chart

? Evaluation report (Adobe® PDF/A) with text and graph visualizing the temperature curve and the raw data for all transport sections

Typical applications for the Elpro Libero PDF Logger include;

? Pharmaceutical industry

? Transport of medication, vaccines, units of stored blood, ampullae, ointments as well as active pharmaceutical ingredients and basic elements

? Clinical trials (medication tests and launches)

? Shipments to uncommon delivery destinations with decent infrastructure

? Food industry

? Transport of perishable foodstuffs (fresh, refrigerated and frozen products)

? Transport of flowers and other temperature-sensitive products

For further information please contact.

ETM Pacific Pty Ltd

Level 2, 275 Alfred Street

North Sydney NSW 2060

Ph: 02 9956 7377

Fax: 02 9956 5791

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