
Maersk reduces CO2 emissions in reefers

Maersk Line has come up with a way to significantly reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of its refrigerated containers (reefers).

QUEST (Quality and Energy efficiency in Storage and Transport) software provides a new temperature control regime inside the container that allows it to cut the energy consumption used for cooling with up to 50% without impacting refrigeration reliability. Maersk Line estimates that QUEST will lead to CO2 emission reductions of 325,000 tonnes annually when fully implemented during 2008.

"While the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly mode of transportation is by sea, our aim is for continual improvement in our environmental performance. We are therefore particularly pleased to be able to start the use of QUEST. It marks a new milestone in our continuous effort to develop and implement ever cleaner and more fuel-efficient solutions", said Thomas Eskesen, senior director and responsible for reefer management at Maersk Line.

"Traditionally, we maintain a constant supply air temperature in the reefer container, a process that uses high amounts of energy. QUEST on the other hand focuses on the temperature of the transported commodity.

"With Quest, our customers and their commodities will benefit from all the usual features provided by our refrigeration solutions and in the same time we all benefit from lower energy consumption and reduced emissions", said Thomas Eskesen.

The solution is the result of a joint development project sponsored by the Dutch Government, and involved amongst others Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands, and Maersk Line.

"QUEST is a good example of thinking outside the box. The solution is innovative and successfully challenges conventional wisdom. We are very pleased to have been part of the project and with the opportunity to apply scientific research into our business. We are confident that QUEST will reshape an important part of the container industry, benefiting both customers and the environment", said Thomas Eskesen.

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