
ALC Strategy Consultation Workshop

The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) has been commissioned with developing a new five year national industry strategy for T&L by the Hon. Mark Vaile MP.

This is being developed with broad consultation and the purpose of this letter is to invite you to attend the consultation workshops that are being held in your State.

The ALC is a partnership between all Australian Governments and senior leaders in the logistics field including logistics users, suppliers, peak bodies, the State-based Freight Councils, government officials, regulators, academics and other industry specialists.

ALC exists to lead and facilitate the development of transport and logistics (T&L) in Australia and to improve the efficiency in delivery of logistics at a national and international level to create competitive advantage for Australian companies and the Australian economy.

A considerable amount of work has already been finished re the development of the National Industry Strategy. This includes the development of four 15 year future scenarios that will provide essential context for the 5 year strategy and the establishment of a T&L Futures Steering Group and the Consultation Group.

These groups are made up of senior industry representatives and will guide the Strategy’s development on behalf of the T&L Industry.

We envisage that the strategy will be a considered and practical industry view and will directly influence:

• AusLink II and its plans for investment in T&L infrastructure

• The regulation reform agenda being developed by the National Transport Commission (NTC)

• The plans and investment decisions of State Governments

• The plans and investment decisions of individual companies

• Investment in training and skills development

Our approach is to build constructively on the wealth of work that is already under way across T&L; to focus on a small number of achievable outcomes that will drive improvement in the efficiency of delivery of Australian logistics.

The Strategy Discussion Paper outlines some key areas of what the National T&L Strategy may need to cover. These key areas have been identified through extensive communication with the Industry, via this project and through our range of committees that sit on our other various projects.

We welcome your thoughts on this discussion paper and what you personally believe the Strategy must include.

The Scenario Package is the final deliverable from our Scenario Project and it details the process this project went through in identifying four 15-year future scenarios that the Industry working group believed had the greatest potential impact on our Industry.

Those scenarios are presented in this package as ‘stories’ and they will be discussed as part of the agenda for the Strategy Consultation Workshop.

The workshop will be held in Queensland Transport, Mt Gambier

85 George Street,

Level 4 Conference Room

Thursday 23rd August, 8.30-12.30 & 1pm-4.30pm

To rsvp please contact our administration officer, Abby Brooke on (07) 1300 785 236 or email her at

More detail on the project can also be found on our web site

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