
Home shopping supply chain challenge

Leading consumer driven optimisation companyRedPrairie presents an exciting agenda for its international user conference, to be held at the Marriott Heathrow, London, 16-17 October.

RedPrairie customers and prospects can look forward to two packed days featuring more than 30 industry speakers sharing their experience and knowledge of how to improve supply chain, manufacturing and retail operations.

Amongst the customer presenters lined up this year are: Neil Ashworth, Supply Chain Director,, talking about the challenges of home shopping; Diane Smith, Supply Chain Director at The Works, talking about the implementation of their warehouse workforce management solution and Chris Love, Program Manager, Mitchells & Butlers speaking about rolling out retail productivity solutions across 2,000 UK pubs and bars.

In addition, up-to-the-minute thought leadership will be delivered by leading academics at the foremost supply chain and retail research institutions.

Speakers and topics will include Prof Richard Wilding of Cranfield School of Management on supply chain risk management; Dr. Julia Edwards, Research Associate, School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University on sustainability in the supply chain; and Dr. David Smith, Research Associate, University of Stirling, on retailers as channel captains of supply chain change.

Delegates will also get the opportunity to visit the conference exhibition to receive valuable input from RedPrairie partners or browse the RedPrairie E2e Solution Centre to experience first hand the latest product developments from RedPrairie.

Up to 300 retail and supply chain professionals from 20 countries are expected to attend the event. A cocktail reception and gala dinner will take place in the royal city of Windsor at the Castle Hotel, which is located directly opposite the 900-year-old Windsor Castle, the world’s largest inhabited castle.

Martin Hiscox, President & Managing Director International of RedPrairie, says this year’s event is shaping up to be bigger and even better than last year.

“We’re very excited to be able to bring together our customers, partners, academics, press, and own team members to share experiences, knowledge, ideas and vision,” he says

“Our aim is for every delegate to return home with new impetus to drive revenues and profitability in their business. We urge all of our customers to attend and look forward to welcoming as many as possible.”

For more information about speakers and full conference agenda please visit

About RedPrairie Corporation

RedPrairie is a world leading consumer driven optimisation company. Built on an advanced Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) developed over the past 10 years, the RedPrairie integrated suite of solutions offers on-demand capabilities to over 25,000 sites worldwide for many of the world’s largest companies.

RedPrairie’s E2e™ solutions synchronise people and products throughout the customer buying cycle to ensure goods reach the right place at the right time. At the point of sale, this means consumers have access to desired products and that the store is staffed with the right people to help them make their purchases. In the production cycle, it means suppliers and manufacturers time and synchronise shipments and production based on demand signals from the retailer. And in the back room of the store, it means having the least amount of inventory, solving the “last 50 metres” problem of the retail supply chain.

With 20 global service sites and standard service methods that have been validated over the last 30 years, RedPrairie provides unparalleled service and support.

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