
GAINS purchased by big hitters

Mitre 10, Super Cheap Auto, Atlas Speciality Metals, Wesfarmers Industrial and Safety (Blackwoods) and Honda (Motor Vehicle) Australia have all recently implemented GRA’s demand, inventory, supply chain planning and optimisation tool, GAINS.

GRA Partner, Carter McNabb says GRAis increasingly finding companies are under intense pressure to reduce operating costs and increase cash flow to gain a competitive edge.

One obvious way to achieve this is to reduce inventories, but the key is to do it whilst simultaneously improving service levels.’

Typically companies seeking an advanced planning and forecasting system are engaging in lengthy tendering processes to test and assess which tool is right for their organisation.

‘GRA’s forecasting and planning tool GAINS is the most powerful in its class,” McNabb says.

“The outstanding results our clients have achieved with significant inventory reductions, reduced operating costs and increased service levels is testament to the tool’s ability. These results have generated a strong level of interest in GAINS’ unparalleled capabilities.”

“On the surface other tools may appear to have similar functions, but GAINS has been developed and proven by a team of experts over the last three decades and is in a class of its own,” he says.

“Much of GRA’s success comes from our proven methodologies for quickly delivering quantifiable and sustainable improvements in inventory, cost and service level performance.”

“We achieve this by maintaining a highly practical approach to implementation that ensures results are delivered by working closely with our clients.”

GRA is Australia’s premier specialists supply chain consulting firm in its eleventh year of operation.

The company offers a range of professional services and advanced planning systems, and typically work with capital intensive companies across industries throughout the Asia Pacific region. Work undertaken is at strategic, operational, systems implementation and training/education levels.

The company has a strong focus on bringing about real change and sustainable benefits for its clients.

GAINS is described as a ‘best-of-breed’ demand, inventory and supply chain planning and optimisation system with unique planning capabilities that enable businesses to optimally balance the 4 C’s – Capital, Costs, Capacity and Customer service levels.

GAINS enables management by exception and provides powerful, fact based decision support at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. GAINS is a time-tested solution with the proven ability to rapidly deliver results and create additional value within the supply chain.

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