The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) is calling for comments on the final version of the new National T&L Freight Supply Chain Strategy to be launched at its Forum in February 2008 in Canberra.
The development of the Strategy has been led by the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) and its launch will be a major milestone for our industry.
The strategy has been developed with extensive consultation across the industry and it has identified significant challenges that, the ALC believes believe, must be tackled by industry and government working in partnership.
The most critical action areas are:
- Safety – Implementing T&L Vision Zero nationally –
- no injury or death is acceptable in T&L
- Investment — Planning and delivery of infrastructure to handle the growing freight task
- Leadership – Ensuring issues of national strategic importance are communicated effectively
- People – Attracting, retaining and continually developing our workforce
- Energy & Environment — T&L taking the lead in environmental sustainability
- Innovation & Technology – Developing an innovation culture and remaining globally competitive
- Efficiency — Ensuring regulation supports supply chain efficiency
Following on from feedback received on the previous draft version and by comments submitted by industry stakeholders generally, there have been some substantial changes to the document.
These changes include:
1 Development of a vision – “driving the Australian economy”
2 Development of National Goals
3 Inclusion of nationally strategic important initiatives only
4 Overall reduction of initiatives and of content
5 Removal of funding column (instead it is being proposed that ALC facilitate a number of round table discussions with stakeholders to drive implementation strategies)
6 Increase of organisations (in a broad sense) that are responsible for implementation
Practitioners are welcomed and encouraged to provide feedback (either by written comment or by reply email) as early as possible but at least by the 28th January.
For more information: Melinda Buker Australian Logistics Council (ALC) Program Leader – People and the Future T07-55-626-704 Mobile 0420-982-082