
Real-life OHS success stories

Finalists in the WorkSafe Awards and other organisations that have excelled in workplace safety will tell their own stories at April’s Safety In Action workplace safety trade show.

To be held concurrently with Melbourne Materials Handling from April 29 to May 1 at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Safety In Action is expected to again draw a crowd of over 10,000 business people to visit three acres of exhibits.

Last year, one in every three visitors represented manufacturers.

Among the diverse products and services displayed by the 350 or more companies at the two shows will be conveyors, height safety products, lifting aids, waste management systems, and workplace psychologists.

One of the new products tipped to be of particular appeal to the engineering and manufacturing industries is the WorkFlow ventilation system for hard hats exhibited by Wrights Hardware.

Complementing the exhibits is a Case Study Showcase, which organiser, Marie Kinsella of Australian Exhibitions & Conferences, says will inspire visitors to act.

“Many of the case studies we’ve selected show how businesses have used some of the technology on display at Safety In Action to make a real difference at their workplaces,” Kinsella says.

“The case studies are not theoretical, they’re practical, real-world examples of safety at work that you just can’t ignore.”

“Cemex, for example, will tell how Health by Design’s injury reduction program contributed to achieving a 66 per cent reduction in lost time injuries and a 54 per cent reduction in recordable injuries in New South Wales.”

Other case studies involve the control of forklift access to shared work areas at Armstrong World Industries’ Melbourne distribution centre by Leda-Vannaclip, the award-winning No Bolt scaffolding system, and how a branding exercise for AWB Limited by HPR Creative has made safety a hot topic in agribusiness.

The Case Study Showcase will be presented on each of the three days of the Safety In Action and Melbourne Materials Handling trade shows.

Visitors to both the shows can attend the case study presentations free of charge.

Melbourne Materials Handling and Safety In Action run from April 29 to May 1 at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.

Online registration at is free.

The Safety Institute of Australia will host the concurrent Safety In Action Conference sponsored by WorkSafe Victoria and featuring 70 speakers including former Telstra chief, Ziggy Switkowski.

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