
Capgemini ranked as a leader

Capgemini was ranked in the “Leaders” category among SAP implementation providers by Forrester Research, Inc., an independent technology and market research firm.

Capgemini was among the select companies that Forrester invited to participate in its December 28, 2007 Forrester Wave™ report, The Forrester Wave™: SAP Implementation Providers, Q4 2007.

The Forrester report states that Capgemini is an SAP leader “by virtue of its depth and breadth of capability, maturity and global nature of their SAP practice”.

In its vendor summary, the report describes Capgemini as “providing strong value across the implementation life cycle to a variety of industries.”

The report goes on to conclude that Capgemini “has also invested heavily in open architecture and service-oriented architecture (SOA), and has worked closely with SAP and with its SAP implementation clients in this area.”

“We are very proud to be recognized by Forrester and our clients as a global leader in SAP,” says Renate Radon, Vice President and Global SAP Alliance Executive for Capgemini.

“We will continue to collaborate with our clients and partners to develop industry-based strategies that help companies globalize, leverage IT assets, and turn the promise of technology into reality.”

“We look forward to adding our twist on the new generation of the SAP platform to unleash the power of Service-Oriented Architecture and Web 2.0 applications for clients to turn the new technology into measurable, tangible value through business model innovation and transformation.”

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