Timing is everything and the recruitment process is no different, quickening as employers realise the need to act fast to secure the best candidates, says specialist recruiter Hays Logistics Personnel.
“Candidate shortages are still very evident in many sectors, and in these cases today’s job seekers need to be prepared for a swift response,” says Tim James, Senior Regional Director of Hays Logistics Personnel.
“Solid candidates in skills-short areas often receive an employment offer within 48 hours of an interview, although it is not uncommon for candidates with a very strong skill base and experience ideally suited to a vacancy to be offered a role less than 24 hours after interview.
“Traditionally, a week would easily pass between an interview and an offer.”
“However today if one company’s recruitment process is protracted, they risk losing the candidate to competitors with a faster and more efficient recruitment process. So it has become imperative for hiring managers to act quickly and decisively.”
“It is no surprise that organisations with an efficient recruitment process are the winners in the current market. The recruitment process should last no longer than two interviews – one with the direct line manager followed by a second interview with senior management – and an assessment or testing session if necessary.”
“However some organisations will hold one interview, calling senior management into the interview if the line manager is impressed, and will offer the candidate pending successful testing if it’s required,” James says.
“We’ve even seen instances where some hiring managers will conduct interviews on a Friday and then come into work on a Saturday or Sunday to finalise the offer so it is presented to the ideal candidate first thing Monday morning.”
Many businesses are also acting to secure quality candidates before formal vacancies are even confirmed.”
However, Hays Logistics Personnel offers an element of caution about creating a recruitment process that trades time for the appropriate depth of information required for both parties to make a decision.
“Candidates should be ready to receive and action offers quickly, and be sure of their motivations for applying for specific jobs,” James says.
“They should also be prepared for a number of offers and the concerted efforts of their existing employers to buy them back through a counter offer.”