
Global industrial logistic robot market at $16 billion expected to reach $31.3 billion by 2020

Worldwide industrial logistics robotics markets are increasingly diversified, poised to achieve significant growth in every industry segment. As production of goods and services embrace automated process, logistics robots are being used to adapt conveyor belts, end of the line tasks, and loading to a flexible systems approach.

Industrial logistics robotics projects are ongoing worldwide with an emphasis on end to end process automation. The key to industrial robots implementation is keeping costs down.

The robots can improve productivity, efficiency and quality, and their main advantage is that they are not human: they require no sleep or food, and do not make mistakes, especially in repetitive tasks.

A study has found robots add competitive value and can be specialised in terms of navigation, application, geography, landscape and analysis.

Beyond industrial logistics robots that repeat actions, more intelligent robots are loaded with sensors, able to automate process using processors and cameras to control action. Use of microprocessors provides a measure of intelligent control over the activity of the robot based on input from the sensors and the cameras.

The logistics robotics industry had a fast start in 2014. Growth is fuelled by strong demand from manufacturing companies in all sectors for complete end to end automation of process.

Industrial automation works with companies of all sizes. It works in all industries and for any application. The aim is to ensure innovative end to end solutions, to meet needs and provide flexibility to accommodate expanding needs.

Quality is a cornerstone of industrial robotic systems. Vendors have assembled teams of experienced engineers and technicians.

The aim is to design, build, program, and maintain the highest-quality robotic systems. The teams consistently work to find the right automation solution for every application.

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