Australia, Logistics, News

Victorian government delivering roadmap

Code of practice

The Victorian government says it is working with the freight industry to deliver a roadmap to navigate future freight supply chain disruptions with a new set of guiding principles.

Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne joined industry stakeholders at a Ports Industry Roundtable to announce the Voluntary Code of Practice (VCoP), which will help manage periods of unforeseen disruption to the container supply chain safely and effectively.

“We’ve collaborated with industry stakeholders to respond to disruptions in recent years, including the formation of the Container Storage Working Group established in 2022,” says Melissa.

“The Voluntary Code of Practice is a further measure to prepare industry for a coordinated response in advance of future disruption events and deliver a roadmap for the future.”

The Container Storage Working Group includes shipping industry representatives, stevedores and operators.

The code is part of the delivery of the government’s ports reform agenda following the release of Navigating our Ports Futures: The Commercial Ports Strategy. It will promote collaboration and development of coordinated responses across the supply chain in case of future disruption events.

Hosted by the Port of Melbourne, the industry roundtable also enabled the government to provide updates on the Port Rail Shuttle Network and the Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy.

The Port of Melbourne is establishing a Landside Logistics Working Group to enhance collaboration among key stakeholders involved in the container supply chain and logistics operations at the Port.

The group will discuss port related operational matters and provide a forum for exploration of sustainability initiatives in landside logistics operations.

In August 2023, the government released the Empty Container Park trial as a further way to help the freight and logistics industry cut costs and improve supply chain efficiencies.

The strategy sets a 30-year vision to build a ports sector that is responsive to market, balances industry and community needs, is productive, resilient, safe, and operates with clear responsibilities.

It will provide guidance to counter the impact of disruptions on freight movements and costs within the Port of Melbourne freight supply chain.

For more information on the Code of Practice, click here.



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