Australia, Features, Logistics, Mentoring, Supply Chain

SCLAA mentoring program running during 2024

Stephen Lakey, Independent Director SCLAA Chair, Mentoring Program. Image: SCLAA.

The Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia’s Independent Director SCLAA Chair, Mentoring Program, Stephen Lakey, talks to MHD about the national organisation’s mentoring program, which will run again during 2024.

Mentoring – a personal story

Back in 2011 I participated in my first mentoring program. I wasn’t seeking a mentor at the point; in fact, I knew very little about the benefits of having a mentor, but it was a requirement of the organisation that I was in at the time.  

Over the years I moved from being a mentee to a mentor, yes – the tables were turned – and I was now on the other side of the table, responsible for the onboarding, guidance, and personal development of a new chum. 

While the organisation I was in had a short mentoring time frame, I found that many of the relationships formed through the program lasted long after the official program had finished, and some of the mentees are still among my closest friends today well over a decade after the official program had finished. 

Over the years I have seen many of my mentees achieve their goals, get their dream job, start a business, and achieve personal success.  

“Yes, this is possibly the most satisfying program I have ever been involved in,” I thought to myself one warm summer evening sipping a latte in my hammock. 

But what is it that makes mentoring work, fills a place that formal training at school, universities, parents, friends, and work programs don’t seem to fill? I believe it is – like many things in life – about relationships and a genuine care of one to another.

A mentor freely giving his or her time to another person in a purely selfless way opens the door for open and honest conversations about where the mentee is, and where they would like to be.  

Discussions about the path to their goals and career planning. The road bumps along the way and strategies to overcome them. Someone to be accountable to, someone to encourage you, and on occasion provide some tough love when needed.

My experience of mentoring has been one of fanning the ember of potential deep inside until it becomes a flame, then a raging fire, and sometimes a rocketship bound for the stars. Seems over dramatic? I have seen it happen many times.  Encouragement and belief in someone are one of the most underrated drivers of success.

I am so pleased to be chair of this year’s SCLAA mentoring program and look forward to running the program with such a potential to change lives.

Registrations for mentors and mentees will open late March with the program running from July to December 2024. 

Mentees will meet with their mentors at least monthly either face to face or virtually, and the program will have a launch event, mid-program workshop, and closing ceremony.

The program is open to students and anyone in the supply chain industry, and yes – you can be both a mentee and a mentor. Matching will be conducted at a state level and based on your profile indicated on your registration form.

You can get more information and register your interest in the 2024 mentoring program via

Congratulations on investing in yourself, and I wish you the best experience in this year’s SCLAA mentoring program.

Stephen Lakey, Independent Director SCLAA Chair, Mentoring Program

For more information on the Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia, click here.

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